Sunday, February 06, 2005

TCUP KuC STEM Academy 'teams-up' with TRIO Talent Search

Program Managers Note: The KuC TCUP effort has benefitted immensely from the cooperation and team-effort demonstrated by KuC's TRIO sponsored 'TALENT SEARCH' program. This program has enabled TCUP faculty and staff to work directly with younger students, grades 7-11 , to encourage and develop their STEM interests. These cohort building efforts are already rewarding the KuC TCUP STEM initiative with students wwith strong developmental interest in STEM! Martin


During the summer of '04, KuC TCUP Mathematics and Physics faculty, Dr. Bob Brown interfaced and taught to over 170 students from across the YK Delta region of SW Alaska...seeding and developing their interests in the sciences and mathematics.

These students recieved their first college credits for the work they accomplished during the week long Talent Search Camp.


The TRIO 'Talent Search' Program is connecting with and tracking STEM students across the YK Delta in coordination with the TCUP efforts at the Kuskokwim Campus. Younger students who have a STEM academic inclination/aptitude have been encouraged to continue developing their interests through the Talent Search programs.


These students are now moving into more rigorous Science and Mathematics programs both on campus and via new distance education methods. Students who do well and establish themselves in this STEM pathway are eligible for advanced summer camp study and distance delivered courses.


KuC Talent Search website:

O5 advertisement flyer
